

So there has been some major slacking on updating this blog lol.
It doesn't really feel like summer in Sydney because the weather is being pms. I've been getting my fix from tumblr and thought i would share a few to get back into things.

Loving: white, the ocean, blue skies, pretty bikinis, simple jewelry and miranda kerr.

Holidays - Miami Horror



i love him. that is all.

We All Try - Frank Ocean



so i got this t shirt from convent garden. it was love at first sight seeing as im a massive Beatles fan.
also, my dad got this old camera and i loved it so he fixed it up for me. i cant wait to take some shots!
without further ado, here are some crappy webcam pics....

Not Over You - Gavin DeGraw



this collection is perfection.


and the genius behind it all...

that's all for now folks. im going to go study and become a lawyer so i can afford to buy these lovely clothes.



favourite pics that i found on tumblr today...

Ed Sheeran - You Need Me, I Don't Need You


so i went to england again. it had been about two years since id last been and it was amazing to see all the family. also, i used to live in england if you didnt know. anyway here are some pics...

salisbury cathedral

urban outfitters (an amazing store by the way)

buckingham palace

 i would put more in but that would mean that i have to sort through everything. and i would put photos of me but i dont look crash hot either lol. so i guess this is it for now.



If they sell it in my size and its denim, i want it.

And i need this bag pronto.

Well kids, that's all for now. (I can't be bothered to put a song in this post lol.) I am about to go and see Mary Poppins the musical, i wonder if it lives up to our school musical's standard haha. Might snap a quick outfit if i have time, other than that adios.